This year's End of Summer Fest is dedicated to the theme Communities of Care. In a world where systems often fail to support, provide, and protect us, our community care practices become vital.
Care is more than an action — it’s a way of perceiving the world, living in it, and transforming it. It involves fostering well-being, empathy, shared responsibility, and joy in our relationships and communities.
Inspired by Audre Lorde's words, «Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare,» we recognize the profound impact of self-care and community care. As we celebrate the fourth anniversary of café révolution, we aim to highlight and practice these principles in our activism and daily lives.
Join us from Thursday, September 19th to Saturday, September 21st at café révolution. Let's come together to ground ourselves in care, celebrate our resilience, and dance our revolution!
Das diesjährige End of Summer Fest ist dem Thema Communities of Care gewidmet. In einer Welt, in der es die Systeme oft nicht schaffen, uns zu unterstützen, zu schützen und zu versorgen, sind Praktiken der gemeinschaftlichen Fürsorge von entscheidender Bedeutung.
Care ist mehr als eine Handlung - es ist eine Art, die Welt wahrzunehmen, in ihr zu leben und sie zu verändern. Sie beinhaltet die Förderung von Wohlbefinden, Empathie, gemeinsamer Verantwortung und Freude in unseren Beziehungen und Gemeinschaften.
«Für mich selbst zu sorgen ist keine Nachsicht mit mir selbst. Es ist Selbsterhaltung, und das ist ein Akt des politischen Widerstands.» Inspiriert von Audre Lordes Worten erkennen wir die tiefgreifende Wirkung von Selbstfürsorge und Community Care. Anlässlich des vierten Jahrestages von café révolution wollen wir diese Grundsätze in unserem Aktivismus und unserem täglichen Leben hervorheben und praktizieren.
Kommt von Donnerstag, 19. September, bis Samstag, 21. September ans End of Summer Fest von café révolution, um gemeinsam Community Care zu üben, unsere Resilienz zu zelebrieren und unsere Revolution zu tanzen!

Embodied Care: Gemeinsam Essen
Wir tischen auf und ihr seid herzlich eingeladen! Im Innenhof des PROGR veranstalten wir ein Cookout in Form eines riesigen Picknicks, zu dem alle, die möchten ein Gericht beisteuern können.
Das Zubereiten und Essen von Mahlzeiten ist eine tägliche Handlung der Fürsorge. Praktiken der körperlichen Wertschätzung sind direkt mit unseren emotionalen, mentalen und spirituellen Wohlbefinden verbunden. Wenn wir gemeinsam essen und Essen teilen, bauen wir eine Kultur der gegenseitigen Fürsorge und Gemeinschaft auf, die durch unsere Körper erfahrbar wird.
Wann: Samstag, 21. September 2024 ¦ 18.3 Uhr bis ca. 22 Uhr
Für: offen für alle Interessierten
Wo: Auf der Holzplattform, im Innenhof des PROGR (Waisenhausplatz 30, 3011 Bern)
Eintritt frei, mit Kollekte
Wir freuen uns über jedes Gericht, das ans Buffet beigesteuert wird. Wenn möglich, könnt ihr euer Gericht via Formular unten anmelden. Herzlichen Dank!
The Core von Soñ Gweha
Herzstück des Cookouts ist die Kissen-Skulptur-Installation The Core (2021) von Soñ Gweha. Die Kissen verdeutlichen das Gefühl des Zusammenhalts und der Gemeinschaftlichkeit: “Der Kern einer Frucht (Safou, eine aus Kamerun stammende Pflaume) dient als Symbol der Vereinigung. Die Installation aus neun riesigen, weichen Kissen-Skulpturen The Core soll müde Körper beruhigen und Komfort bieten und Zusammensein in der Gemeinschaft erleichtern...“.
Das ursprünglich von Soñ Gweha für die Performance „Codes to Keep Burning“ mit chaos clay bei HIT 2021 geschaffene Stück wurde dem TU-Théâtre de l'Usine geschenkt und wird gelegentlich von Aktivist:innen-/QTBIPOC-Gemeinschaften und Kunstschaffenden für ihre Veranstaltungen und Versammlungen ausgeliehen und genutzt. (Soñ Gweha bei eeeeh.ch).

How do we build sustainable and resilient communities in times of deep social division and uncertainty? What can we learn from queer and Black feminist collectives, where are the ongoing challenges, and what are our biggest internal barriers? For the main day of the End of Summer Fest, café révolution invites you to a community talk to share knowledge and experiences. We will start the exchange with a panel discussion and will then collectively reflect on our achievements and continue to envision the path forward in our shared struggle for liberation.
What: Panel Discussion w/ café revolution and OKRA Collective, followed by a Community Talk
When: Saturday, September 21th, 3.30 PM - 6.30 PM
Where: café révolution, Waisenhausplatz 30, PROGR, 3011 Bern
For: Black People, Free of Charge
café révolution is a community space founded by a collective of Black and Black-read women, created for those impacted by racism and/or sexism and anyone interested in anti-discrimination work. café révolution serves as a safer space for active anti-racist and anti-sexist action, fostering self-empowerment, education, and community. It offers a welcoming environment for meetings, networking, relaxation, and healing, primarily for Black and Black-read women and femmes, but open to all who are committed to liberation and social justice work.
OKRA is a collective of black multidisciplinary artists founded in 2020. The collective aims to create collaborative practices to strengthen and support BIPoC communities. OKRA is committed to creating festive spaces that are sensitive to different forms of discrimination and are committed to highlighting artists who are in alignment with their values. The collective organises numerous parties and events throughout Switzerland, which act as spaces for community, connection and networking. In a short period of time, they have managed to establish a large network of BIPoC artists on a national and international level. One of their core values is to be intentional in their collaborations and to translate this approach into the creation and curation of spaces.
w/ KA-RABA for OKRA Collective, MONA-LISA KOLE for café révolution and special guest CHINNAMASTA.

Community Care Circle
Inspired by Southern African traditions with Rhoda Davids Abel
Rhoda Davids Abel’s family has an intergenerational practice of different forms of community support and healing. There are/were plant medicine workers, dreamers, beekeepers, midwives and non-western Indigenous knowledge-based therapists. Rhoda is in the process of exploring how she can incorporate some of her familial ‘gifts’ in the context of her community – which now also includes Switzerland.
In the framework of her practice, Rhoda will offer a care circle which will include a brief intro to some of the Khoe, IXam and Damara healing practices. Including a 7 to 10-minute hand massage - using oils made from indigenous Southern African medicinal plants and conversation while holding space for everyone present. Massage being a practice Rhoda grew up with. A deceptively minimal gesture, but an effective prompt for reflection and meditation on community care.
When: Saturday, 21 September 2024, 12.00 pm - 2.00 pm
For: Black Women, Intersex-, Non Binary-, Trans- und A-Gender Persons
Free admission, registration via form appreciated (below), held in English
Rhoda Davids Abel (RDA) completed her BA at the (HKB) Bern Academy for Fine Arts, Switzerland in 2021 and her MA in Fine Arts at the Sandberg Institute/Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 2023.
She has exhibited in the Kunsthalle Bern, Rote Fabrik Zürich, Kunstmuseum Langenthal, Kunstmuseum Thun, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Read My World International Literature Festival in Amsterdam among others. Additionally, she won the Swiss Performance Art Awards in 2022 (with Latefa Wiersch & Dandara Modesto) for the work ‘Neon Bush Girl Society’.
Rhoda Davids Abel casts herself as a modern therianthrope, elegantly traversing the realms that bridge human, animal, plant, and mountain. In the tradition of the mythical shape-shifters, RDA's artistic identity thrives on this dynamic interplay, connecting disparate forms into a seamless whole. Celebrating the transformative power of everyday objects, RDA finds inspiration in the mundane, breathing new life into ordinary artifacts and everyday gesture movements.
Within her art, objects metamorphose into carriers of profound significance, bridging the gap between the conceptual and the performative tangible. This nuanced approach, challenges viewers to reimagine their perceptions and narratives. Rooted in the depths of fragmented poetry and the enigmatic language of dreams, RDA's creations become a tapestry of codes and symbolism. Her artwork is a symphony of hidden meanings, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of interpretation and introspection.
These metaphoric layers intertwine to form a unique archive—a repository of stories and emotions that transcend time, a testament to the intimate link between memory and artistic expression. Her works serve as a contemporary archive, safeguarding forgotten memories and marginalized narratives, both honoring the past and holding a mirror to the present.
She is primarily based in Switzerland and currently working on research elements for various new projects and collaborations.

ECHOES OF CARE: Poetry, Music and Open Mic
Echoes of Care: A Night of Community, Poetry, and Open Voices
You’re invited to the End of Summer Fest Poetry Night, an evening where shared thoughts and emotions take the spotlight. The night begins with a captivating reading by Zulu, a local spiritual hoodrat deeply committed to the well-being and thriving of Black communities of color. Zulu’s powerful and thought-provoking texts offer deep insights into personal experiences and reflections, creating a welcoming space where one can feel seen, heard, and comforted by the words. With a focus on the interconnectedness of healing and creativity, zulu's work is a journey through pleasure, embodied storytelling, street knowledge, and poetry, all aimed at fostering community and collective growth.
Following the reading, the microphone will be open to the audience. If you feel inspired, take the stage and share your work!
The night will culminate in a heartfelt singing performance by "held in song" – a community-driven experience that invites everyone to connect through music. Led by atelier igihozo, this group brings together voices from all walks of life, whether you have musical experience or not. We’re excited for you to join this diverse chorus of voices. If you’d like to step up to the mic during the Open Mic session, please be sure to keep an eye on the program schedule.
When: Friday, September 20th, 6 PM (reading starts at 7 PM)
What: Poetry Night featuring a special guest reading, Open Mic, and a singing performance by «held in song»
For: People who experience racism
Where: café révolution, Progr Atelier 14, Waisenhausplatz 30, 3011 Bern

Good Vibes Only meets End of Summer Fest
Thursday, the G.V.O. collective is taking center stage! We're opening our doors to racialized people (BIPoC) of all ages. Come discover local artists, savor delicious community-made food, and let loose with our DJs. There's space to connect, play games, dance, or just be.
We can't wait to see you there!
Am Donnerstag übernimmt das G.V.O-Kollektiv die Bühne! Wir öffnen unsere Türen für rassifizierte Menschen (BIPoC) jeden Alters. Entdecke lokale Künstler*innen, geniesse leckeres, von der Community zubereitetes Essen und lass dich von unseren DJs mitreissen. Es gibt Platz zum Vernetzen, Spielen, Tanzen oder einfach nur Sein.
Wir freuen uns auf dich!

realisiert mit Unterstützung von:
Support the rêve-olution
Wusstest du, dass unsere Angebote partizipativ von den Menschen aus der Community umgesetzt werden? Damit dies weiterhin möglich ist, sind wir auf deine Unterstützung angewiesen!
Deine Spende hilft uns dabei, dem café révolution ein Dach über dem Kopf zu geben, die Bibliothek mit Büchern zu füllen und Events zu organisieren.